This week's game is Atari's 1981 classic: WARLORDS. And this week's theme is
Parents, man.
You and your brothers are goofing around, innocently catapaulting fireballs at each other when your dad, ruler of the land, gets in your face being all kingly and banishes you to the forbidden lands. But you guys get bored easy so you each pick a corner to barricade yourselves in and fling lightning balls at each other. King Dad always warned if you didn't stop you'd end up imprisoned in endless battle for all eternity inside an Atari game cartridge. But what do parents know? The 'rents are so stupid.
Or ARE they?
Bill Kendrick's Atari Party.
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My thanks to Kevin McLeod at for Creative Commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Reformat", and "Pinball Spring".