You're reading this show note (possibly) on Halloween, about an episode released on Halloween, featuring a game called "Halloween", inspired by the movie "Halloween". Spooky!
Which is appropriate because in episode 292, we're playing the Wizard Video 1983 title "Halloween". If you enjoy sprite decapitations and 8-bit child murder in a Skittles-colored house, this is the game for you. If not, blame Patreon supporter Patrick McCarthy who suggested this.
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Reformat" and "Pinball Spring".
Thanks to Mike Mann for the "Mad Mike Hughes" theme.
Thanks to Sean Courtney for "Storytime" theme.
www.carnivalofgleecreations.com is where you need to be for all the info and notes you could ever want for this podcast ATARI BYTES here and my other show IT'S A PODCAST, CHARLIE BROWN here.