Hollywood has unleashed monsters on an unsuspecting country. No, I don't mean predatory Hollywood executives.
We're talking, of course, about the 2018 Duane Johnson blockbuster movie "RAMPAGE", based on the beloved 1986 arcade game. An evil corporation loses it's "gene-editing" sample. A wolf, a crocodile and a gentle, though foul-mouthed (tsk)(via sign language), gorilla named George grow to thirty feet tall and go on a, well, on a RAMPAGE to Chicago. As one does.
This week, on episode 118, we're taking a break from playing games and making up stories about them to watch a MOVIE based on a game and analyze its story. Let someone else do the work for once. We're busy eating popcorn.*
*And Junior Mints.**
**I was hungry. Stop judging.
I'm pretty sure Duane Johnson will be calling any day now to be on the podcast after he hears this episode.
Oh, and in the episode, I shamelessly beg creamy, refreshing Junior Mints to sponsor the show. Junior Mints, call me!
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Reformat" and "Pinball Spring".
Atari Bytes - Show notes, social media, episodes and more
It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show! Get your Snoopy fix here.
Check out "Go play some old games" mugs and more at our Zazzle.com store AB_Pod_Store
Support the show financially on our Atari Bytes Patreon page here.
I just flew in from Milwaukee and boy are my arms tired.*
*I didn't actually fly. I drove.**
**My arms are fine. Thanks for asking.
I just came back from the 2018 Midwest Gaming Classic where I had a great time at the Atari Bytes table talking to current listeners and lots of potential new listeners. If you are one of those new listeners, welcome to the party!
I also picked up some great new games from the various vendors selling their wares, played some great arcade games and met a slew of well-known gaming people from the guys at the "Guys, Games and Beer" podcast to legends Billy Mitchell and Walter Day, and from game designers like Jeff Lee to Brian Colin.
This was my first time at MGC and the "Pie Factory" guys, Jim and Sean, were invaluable to making my experience awesome. Thanks, guys!
On episode 117, I talk about my time at MGC. AND...I read some of the "mad lib" style stories visitors to the AB table at MGC wrote for me. One lucky writer might win an ATARI BYTES t-shirt, like the one I wore at MGC. (Not the SAME shirt, mind you. That would be gross.) WHO WILL IT BE??????
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Pinball Spring" and "Reformat".
Atari Bytes show notes, social media, episodes and more on our site here.
A political hot button issue is the state of America's infrastructure. Our bridges, roads and buildings are crumbling before our eyes. It's a national crisis. And, yet, our politicians do nothing.
What the liberal media WON'T tell you about, though, is the plague of mutated dinosaurs, werewolves and gorillas that are single-handedly (triple-handedly?) devouring our great cities and pooping the rubble into those devastated roads.
The Atari 7800 port of the 1986 Bally Midway arcade classic RAMPAGE, our focus in episode 116 of ATARI BYTES, puts you in the role of those mutant monsters. Sure, politicians squabble while our buildings crumble, but they lack the style of an irradiated werewolf. Except you-know-who. From Vermont I think? It's just a rumor, but everyone hears the howling. Just sayin'.
(In related news: I was once in a band called Dino Poop Rubble.)
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Pinball Spring" and "Reformat".
Atari Bytes show notes, social media and so much more!
It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show!
Pick up "Go play some old games" shirts and more in our Zazzle.com store AB_Pod_Store
You can support the show financially on our Patreon page here.
As you emerge from your chocolate Easter bunny sugar coma, let episode 115 of ATARI BYTES spool soothing wake up game info into your ear holes.
Back in 1980-81-ish, we imagine, the folks at Activision had this new space battle game, sort of a top-down Missile Command with alien invaders and ground forces and lots of laser battles. "What should we call it?" someone asked. They came up with lots of cool options, but couldn't agree on one. It was getting to be 5 o'clock and the production team wanted to get to the bar, so someone said, "Screw it. Let's just call the thing LASER BLAST and get out of here." And so they did.
And now we're playing the most generically named video game since "Combat". But the story within the game is UNIQUE and EXCITING! At least, we think so. Hope you do too.
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Reformat", "Take a Chance" and "Pinball Spring".
Atari Bytes - show notes, social media and episodes!
It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show. All the Snoopy, all the time.
AB_Pod_Store at Zazzle.com - Here's where you can get "Go Play Some Old Games" shirts and more.
Patreon.com - You can support the show financially here!
Here, in episode 114, there be monsters!
In Froggo's 1987 treasure-hunting adventure SEA HUNT, it's raining gold doubloons. The pieces of eight are scattered like our dreams on the ocean floor as you, fearless skin diver, harpoon man-eating fish and sea monsters to get to a sunken Spanish galleon. Is the game a treasure chest or a bucket of chum? Whatever the answer, the story within might be the key to Davey Jones' locker...and his heart.
Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Pinball Spring" and "Reformat".
Atari Bytes - show notes, episodes, social media and stuff...
It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show. Get your Snoopy fix here, every month.
Please consider supporting the show financially on our Patreon page here.