This week, I'm swinging in on a vine as Planet Funk Con sinks into the quicksand below and I land on the other side to record a podcast. The episode, unfortunately, is just me screaming as I am crushed by a rolling log.
I recorded episode 179 after attending Planet Funk Con where much fun was had. (Hello, new listeners!) This week marks the end of Intellivision Month for the podcast. (Stop cheering!) We close on a high - and not just because of those vines. We're playing PITFALL! for the Intellivision gaming system. Did David Crane have any new tricks up his sleeve for this version?
No. No he didn't. But we had a good time anyway.
This week's short story is: LOG ROLLIN'
Thanks to Mike Mann for the "Mad Mike Hughes" update theme.
Thanks to Sean Courtney for the "Storytime" theme.
Atari Bytes - show notes, social media and what not.
It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show!
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